In stock Hardware store Simple cone or with Roxell adapters to the silo and to the cone with rain gutter. 100085 €73.00 Add to cart
In stock feeders Feeder Minimax line feed pan Roxell 100182 €25.23 MiniMax yellow round feed pan for broilers. Add to cart
In stock drinkers Plasson drinker water bowl recuperator. 100170 €0.88 Reclaimers help maintain lower litter moisture below drinker lines. Add to cart
In stock electronics IFM KI0024 capacitive detector 100193 €54.95 The KI0024 capacitive detector is a sensor with signal indication for a perfect adjustment of the capacitive switching point. These object recognition and position sensors are ideal for installation in poultry farms, as they detect bulk materials or liquids. Add to cart